Based on the diaries of Hannah M., a schizophrenia patient from Hamburg
A dim, messy bedroom. Light filters through grimy blinds.
HANNAH (20) sits on a chair, her hair and clothes dirty.
She stares at a BLACK CANDLE with a flower symbol carved into it.
Door opens. HANNAH'S MOTHER (50s) enters with a tray of food.
Hannah, honey. Please eat
She sets down the tray. Hannah shakes her head.
At least come out for a second,
everyone is here to see you. We
are all very worried.
Mother picks up a fallen PICTURE FRAME and places it on the desk.
It's a FAMILY PHOTO of Hannah, her siblings, and parents.
Hannah doesn't look up.
I can't. Get out.
Her mother sighs, leaves the tray, and exits.
As the door closes, it reveals a DEMON, pitch-black and underexposed.
Eerie and intimidating. Hannah sees him in the mirror.
The demon points at the candle, which magically ignites with a tall flame.
Hannah looks at the flame, frightened.
The demon appears behind her, whispering inaudibly.
Hannah nods, teary-eyed.
She reluctantly holds her hand over the flame.
Pain consumes her.
A larger flame appears in the room's center.
From it, a black flower blooms.
Hannah falls from the chair.
She crawls towards the flower.
Picks it and inhales its scent.
A BLACK CENTIPEDE leaps from the flower onto Hannah.
It crawls all over her body.
She panics, trying to catch it.
Her movements become a frenetic contemporary dance.
Shadowy tendrils crawl up her legs.
She SCREAMS but continues dancing until...
The demon's HAND slams her to the floor.
The door opens.
Hannah's mother rushes in, concerned.
Are you ok?
Hannah breathes rapidly. No sign of the demon, centipede, or tendrils. She nods.​ Mother sits beside her.
At least take a shower. It'll
make you feel better.
Hannah shakes her head again. Mother takes Hannah's hand.
Please, for me.​
Hannah meets her mother's eyes, softening.
Water cascades over Sandra, washing away dirt. The demon watches from behind the curtain.
She ignores him, scrubbing furiously at her skin.
Hannah, clothes changed. Looking better, slowly starts to clean up her room.
The room is now clean.
Hannah sits at the desk, starts to eat from a food tray.
As she chews, she feels something in her mouth.
THE BLACK CENTIPEDE suddenly crawls out.
She freaks out, jumping back into the demon's arms.
He grabs her hand, leading her into a macabre contemporary dance.
They move together, like a battle in motion.
She seems trapped under his command.
The dance turns sensual.
Hannah gives in as they spin, falling onto the bed.
She touches the demon's torso, her hands crawling up to his neck, but then...
...she grasps his throat.
Forcefully, she strangles the demon as he flails.
Hannah uses all her strength.
The demon is helpless, his power waning.
Sweating, Hannah smiles triumphantly and looks back.
He's gone.
She's alone on the bed. Panicking, she looks around. The demon is now in the corner, unharmed.
She throws the bedside lamp at him. It shatters against the wall. The demon appears in the opposite corner.
Hannah throws her room into disarray again, trying to hurt the demon unsuccessfully.
Hannah crawls on the floor, panting. Her room is a mess again. She cries helplessly.
Her eyes fall on the now-broken family photo.
A bonfire crackles. Hannah emerges from the house, blinking in the firelight. Her FATHER, SISTER, and BROTHER stand around the fire, worried.
I'm ready to go to the
Hannah's mom slowly nods with a faint smile. She opens her arms, and Hannah melts into her.
Her siblings and father close in.​ They envelop her in a group hug.
CLOSE ON: Hannah's face, tears streaming. For the first time, her eyes are clear.